Prometheus role

Deploy Prometheus container.


Configure the role.


prometheus_image: prom/prometheus:v2.37.1
prometheus_hostname: prom01
prometheus_description: Monitoring # default: Prometheus
prometheus_volume_name: prom_data01 # default: "{{ prometheus_hostname }}"
prometheus_data_dir: /usr/share/prom # default: "/usr/share/{{ prometheus_hostname }}"
prometheus_port: # default:
prometheus_retention_time: "30d" # default: "15d"
prometheus_node_exporter_basic_auth_username: node-exporter
prometheus_node_exporter_basic_auth_password: "{{ vault_prometheus_node_exporter_basic_auth_password }}"
prometheus_cadvisor_basic_auth_username: cadvisor
prometheus_cadvisor_basic_auth_password: "{{ vault_prometheus_cadvisor_basic_auth_password }}"
prometheus_etc_hosts: # defaults: {}

On hosts define these vars for https job targets.

prometheus_target_scheme: https
prometheus_target_port: 443

Or for http job targets.

prometheus_target_scheme: http
prometheus_target_port: 80

And include it in your playbook.

- hosts: prometheus
  - role: prometheus


Predefined srape configs

The prometheus.yml template contains predefined srcape jobs that lookup hosts in the Ansible inventory.

  • prometheus: Target is localhost:9090.
  • cadvisor https: Targets are hosts with a cadvisor_hostname and https scheme.
  • cadvisor http: Targets are hosts with a cadvisor_hostname and http scheme.
  • node-exporter https: Targets are hosts with a node_exporter_hostname and https scheme.
  • node-exporter http: Targets are hosts with a node_exporter_hostname and http scheme.
  • nextcloud http: Targets are hosts with a nextcloud_exporter_hostname and http scheme.
  • bigbluebutton https: Targets are hosts with a bigbluebutton_exporter_hostname and https scheme.
  • postgres https: Targets are hosts with a postgres_exporter_hostname and https scheme.
  • restic-server https: Targets are hosts with a restic_server_hostname and https scheme.
  • blackbox: Targets are nginx_proxies with monitor not false and host is blackbox01:9115.
  • odoo https: Targets are nginx_proxies with monitor_odoo set true.

Deploy Prometheus container

Select multiple inventories when deploying.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/odoo -i inventories/nextcloud -i inventories/setup play_proxy.yml -l prometheus -t prometheus