Ollama role
Setup Ollama and deploy models.
Configure the role.
# https://hub.docker.com/r/ollama/ollama
ollama_image: ollama/ollama:0.6.2
ollama_hostname: ollama01
ollama_description: LLM # default: Ollama
ollama_native: true # default: false
- name: olmo2:13b
- name: olmo2:13b
ollama_api_key: # default: {{ vault_ollama_api_key }}
openweb_ui_image: ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main
openweb_ui_hostname: openwebui01
openweb_ui_description: Ollama Chat # default: LLM Chat
openweb_ui_ports: # default: []
- 8080:3000
And include it in your playbook.
- hosts: ollama
- role: ollama
Ollama cli
List models.
ollama list
Ollama service
Show systemd logs.
sudo journalctl --unit=ollama.service --no-pager
Connect LLM cli to remote model
Connecting the LLM cli with a hosted model is simple.
Open the command line and export the env vars from the Ansible output.
export OLLAMA_HOST=http://llm.example.com:11434
llm -m olmo2:13b "Tell me a joke"